On-site inspection at the Schrems plant

Episode 5 – Production: On-site inspection at the Schrems plant

How long does it take to produce an individually planned dream house? In today’s episode, ZENKER customers Johanna and Bernhard want to see for themselves on the way to their dream home. During the on-site visit to the Schrems factory, the young couple can also follow all the production steps at close quarters.

Thomas Scheriau, Managing Director and production expert at ZENKER, also took the time to visit Johanna and Bernhard. He welcomes the two and emphasises the special charm of the design elements used in their house: “The claim with every ZENKER house is to bring great architecture into harmony with serial production,” explains Scheriau. In fact, Johanna and Bernhard’s house – a real one-off – seems to have achieved this brilliantly.

Zenker Hausbau Lokalaugenschein Werk Schrems

Production and manufacturing: Individual design elements at ZENKER

The generous four-metre-long glass façade provides a breathtaking view of the Traunstein, which the couple’s guests will also appreciate in the future. Various design elements, above all the seating windows and the design roof projection, lend the building a unique character. The floor plan design was generally individually adapted to the preferences and needs of the clients.

But what obviously impressed Johanna and Bernhard just as much was the “quick-witted” production process. In ZENKER production, a complete house can be manufactured per day. So from the first production step to the actual delivery, a masterpiece is created within a relatively short time.

Zenker Hausbau Produktion Haus

And Johanna and Bernhard should be able to enjoy this great work for a long time to come: “At the latest when we were able to see our planning measures put into practice here in the factory, the anticipation of our beautiful dream house increased even more. It is impressive how efficiently everything is done here,” say the couple.

Zenker Hausbau Kunden Johanna und Bernhard

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